Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reading Resolutions...

I'm not one for making New Year's resolution since I seem to make the same ones, over and over ~ more family time, eat healthier, lose weight, save money, etc. The usual ones that many people make. But as this year is coming to an end I've been thinking about what changes I would like to see concerning my reading and blogging. So I've come up with a few and while I won't guarantee that I'll still have them by the end of 2010, because things do change, I will try my best to make what I consider improvements on both the reading and blogging.

Reading ~

1. Read What I Like - While this may sound simple it really isn't. This is mainly concerning DNFs (Do Not Finish) books. I've gotten better and actually had a few this past year but I have a hard time giving up on a book, especially when it's from a favorite author or when the peer pressure hits and everyone else loves the book but I just... don't.

2. Review Faster - That's not to say write the reviews faster but to write them shortly after finishing the book. I guess it should be review sooner. When I write a review within a day of finishing the book, it takes a much shorter time to write the review. I have a tendency to move on to the next book as soon as I finish one. I need to stop, write the review, then move on. Otherwise I end up with a bunch of books to review then I feel guilty about not reviewing them because by that point I've got a bunch of new books I just finished reading and need to review. It's a vicious cycle!

3. Challenges - Reading challenges that is. I wasn't planning to join any in 2010 because I really need to get the tbr pile down to manageable. It's hovering around 400 - 500, and that's not counting the 70 or so books I have out from the library at any given time. Plans change and it turns out that so far all the challenges I want to join can be fulfilled from my tbr pile! Win/Win for me!

4. No Guilt - This has to do with reading and blogging. Shit happens. It's an old saying but true. I need to be able to let it go. As in, "OMG, I haven't posted in 4 days, I have to write something!" And there I sit at the computer, after midnight, trying to think of something to write. Or trying to write that review of the book that I finished reading weeks ago (see #2). I also have all these books that fellow bloggers wrote wonderful reviews about. I commented and said how I would get that book and read it because they loved it and I know I would too! So I get the book and there it sits on Mt. TBR Pile. I see the book, months later and feel guilty that I haven't read it yet. Got to let it go.

Blogging ~

1. Commenting - I have this habit that if I read a post and see that a bunch of comments have already been made, I think, "They don't need my comment. I don't really have anything to add". Which is so wrong because I know when people comment on my blog, even just to say a few words, it means a lot! So I will try very hard to comment more.

2. Lurking - This goes hand in hand with commenting. I have a tendency to lurk a lot. Princess Lurks-A-Lot could be my title. LOL But I also have a shy nature. I tend to be the one in the background, watching instead of joining. It takes me a while to feel comfortable posting a comment on a new blog. So if you notice I lurk on your blog, it's not that I don't like your blog, it's just that I'm still getting comfortable. I'm going to try to find that comfort a little quicker and stop lurking so much! *Those that lurk here at the Psyche, all are welcome here. Comment away! But if you don't, believe me, I understand. :)

3. More Than Just Books - This one will be hard because, like I mentioned, I tend to be shy and not one for sharing a bunch. But I've tried to be a little better about RL stuff. Posting more about family etc. I'll continue to add little bits of RL in with the books. It makes sense because I love reading about other bloggers RL. It's another side of them I enjoy seeing. The one thing you haven't seen here are posts on the many kerfuffles, cat fights and just plain old stupidity that sometimes goes on in blogland. Part of the reason I don't blog about it is because there's plenty out there that do. Trust me when I say that it isn't hard to find out what this week's latest drama is. That's not to say I don't have strong opinions on some of the topics but for now I just don't want the drama here. But that could change if something really gets to me.

4. Do I Have To Have A Fourth? - Because I had 4 for reading I guess I need a fourth for blogging. My type A personality is showing here. *grins* I think this one should be - Post What I Want To Post, even if I don't think anyone will find it funny or amusing or will have any interest in it at all. There are a number of posts that I've started writing and are still in the "draft" folder. Why didn't I finishing writing them and post them? Because I thought they were boring or stupid or no one will want to read it. Or no one will get my warped sense of humor. Or they'll think I have no sense of humor at all. Self doubt really sucks! I should just finish writing them and post anyway. (I'm already thinking of maybe not posting this post. Stop already and post but use spell check first.) Okay...

So, who's making some resolutions for 2010? And if you're not, is it because you like what you're doing now? If so, good for you! If it works for you then I say keep doing what you're doing.

And what do you think of my resolutions? Any that you might try? Or any that you would suggest for the Psyche? I'm open to any improvements I can make here.

Here's to another wonderful year full of good friends and good books!


  1. I can so relate to the lurky shy thing! I'd love to read some posts about your RL so post as many as you want!

    I've finally realized that I'll review when the mood strikes. I joined challenges this year not to expand my reading, but to force me to write reviews. Dumb! So I'm only joining one next year. I think, LOL.

  2. I have completely gotten out of the habit of writing reviews. Whilst I am not fussed about writing reviews of every book I read, I really should write more than I have been.

    I have joined quite a few challenges over the last year and for next year. I tend to try to use them to get through the books I already have on my TBR list rather than adding new books to my list.

    When I first started blogging my blog was 100% books, but over the years I have gradually included a bit of music, a few RL posts, a bit of craft, a bit of everything really. For me it is part of the natural evolution of my blog. Who knows what direction it will go in next. I sure don't.

    I have loads of half written posts sitting in draft too! Some of those posts are better off staying in draft, but some of them should have seen the light of day!

    Here's to a fantastic 2010.

  3. Ahhh resolutions! I did well with mine from last year. I finally started reading UF, read more contemps and more sci-fi/romance. I had it easy.

    I can really relate to the lurking, lol! I do comment when I have something to say about a review or a post, but I lurk much more than I post, lol! There are blogs I love visit daily where I hardly ever comment.

    Athough I certainly don't review every book I read, I think I've done well with my reviewing. But like you, I have other types of posts on draft that I've never finished and I need to work on that too. :)

    I'm loving my Challenges this year too. So far, I can fulfill them from my TBR, except for 1 -- the In-Death and I already have 5 books in my TBR pile for that one too... so not too bad. :)

    No guilt, no guilt, no guilt! Fun, fun, fun! LOL!

  4. Lori ~ I’ll try to post more RL – my kids will be thrilled. LOL

    The thing about the challenges is that everyone understands when you miss a month. I think I tend to be harder on myself about that then anyone else. :)

    Marg ~ I would like to aim for reviewing half the books I read. I don’t see it happening right away but over time that’s what I’m hoping for. :)

    That’s how I see my blog evolving –with the main focus still on books but adding little bits of whatever I find interesting.

    Oh, now you’ve got me curious – go ahead and post them!

    Hils ~ you picked some really good UF to read this year! I know I still have some good ones on the tbr pile – Kim Harrison comes to mind. I’ve heard such wonderful things about her series.

    We can work on our de-lurking together next year.

    What I like about your reviews is the variety. You’ve got something for practically everyone. Do you read horror? I don’t remember seeing any of that genre on your blog. It’s the one genre I can’t see myself reading.

    Me too for the challenges. Christine’s In Death challenge - I’ve been thinking that I might go back and read the books since I’ve been listening to the audio books. I’m wondering how different the experience will be.

    And just say NO to Guilt! LOL

  5. Horror?... when it comes to horror I'm quite squeamish. I found out a long time ago that it's not really for me. The only book I've really enjoyed & it's still a favorite from that genre is The Stand by Stephen King - great book! But no, I don't read it. :(

  6. I'm also a guilty blogger. I feel bad when it takes forever to update my blog, when I can't seem to find the words to write a comprehensive review--so I don't write one at all. When it seems like everyone else is steaming through books and I'm just meandering along...

    I had a moment this year when all that guilt came down on me at once and I couldn't read a thing, I couldn't visit my blog, I was in full avoidance. It bothered me so much that I had to take a break from my blog and blog land.

    It took getting away for me to let the guilt go. When I started blogging I did it for fun, not obligation, and I want to get back to that next year. So no more guilt!

    Happy New Year, Leslie!

    P.S. I caught up with Sons of Anarchy. Great series!

  7. Those are really great resolutions, Leslie :) Both reading-wise and blogging-wise :D

    70 books out from the library? How do you do that? LOL :)

    I'd love to read more about your RL :) LOL, so far, all I know is that you have three kids (one teenage daughter and two sons). You are married and live in Texas :D I understand people being shy sharing their lives, but I like it... because it allows us to get to know you better :)

    LOL, write whatever you like Leslie :D this is your outlet. You're not here to entertain us :) Who cares if we get your warped sense of humor or not :P

    Happy New Year to you and your family :D

  8. Brie ~ Every once in a while I let the guilt get to me and I have to stop and remind myself that it’s suppose to be fun. As soon as it turns into something like a job that I dread then things either need to change or I need to take a break.

    I've gotten behind on the few shows I watch - I need to use Hulu and catch up. :)

    Happy New Year!

  9. Leslie - It is so scary how similar we are. I was reading your list and there is not one thing I can't relate too. SCARY!!

  10. nath ~ How did I miss your comment? I'm sorry...

    The 70 books are from two different library systems. The county system allows up to 50 items per card, the city 35 per card and I've been know to use Abby's card if I need to. :)

    You got everything right except for the Texas part. I'm in Arizona - outside of Phoenix. I know I enjoy reading about your RL so it makes sense that others would like to read about mine even if I think of mine as boring. :D

  11. Jill~ I'm always surprised at how we can all come from such different places and backgrounds and yet have so much in common when it comes to reading. It's one of the things I like about blogging. :)
